
Self-esteem is our basic sense of worth or value. A diminished or unhealthy sense of self can make a profound impact in how we feel and function. It can affect our work and relationships and can find its way into even the smallest daily activities. If you feel constant self-doubt, self-criticism, social anxiety, isolation and loneliness, you may be suffering from low self-esteem. Our practitioners can help you build up your sense of self, giving you better relationships, higher levels of confidence, a sense of purpose and less depression, anxiety, anger, shame or guilt.

Low self-esteem can lead to other problems, such as:

  • relationship problems; a person may tolerate emotional or physical abuse because they may feel that they deserve it or are not worthy
  • reluctance to take risks; the person may doubt their abilities and avoid challenging situations.
  • fear of judgement; they may go out of their way to avoid certain social activities for the fear of underperforming or being negatively judged
  • low resilience; when a person is presented with a challenging situation, they may find it difficult to cope because of their low self-belief
  • lack of self-care; the person may believe that they are not attractive and may neglect themselves by eating unhealthily, failing to exercise, and in more severe cases, abusing alcohol or turning to drugs
  • self-harming behaviours; low self-esteem puts the person at increased risk of self-harm

Self-esteem can be improved, but can take attention and daily practice to boost self-esteem. A psychologist can help individuals with a low self-esteem in various ways:

  • using positive psychology principles to develop resilience, and increase optimism and motivation
  • increase someone’s sense of interpersonal confidence though assertiveness skills training.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – restructuring negative thoughts and behaviours
  • developing a reward system where the individual can reward themselves when they have done something positive
  • understanding the individual’s lifestyle, including family, friends, colleagues, and enhancing social support networks with positive people

Take the Self Esteem test here.

Scores less than 20 indicate below average self esteem.